Please note:
Regarding COVID-19.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently posted the following document on its website:
Infection Prevention and Control for the safe management of a dead body in the context of COVID-19
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Dodge is the world’s largest supplier of embalming chemicals, instruments, supplies, urns and more.
Innovative Products From its modest beginnings over a century ago as a small manufacturer in Boston, Dodge Company has grown into the world’s leading supplier of embalming chemicals. Along the way, Dodge has constantly added to its catalog, so that now we offer virtually every supply and tool needed by morticians and funeral homes.
Equally important has been our focus on truly innovative service. Training seminars, clinics, support technicians, a quarterly magazine, the most helpful sales reps in the business and much more all add up to a company delivering solutions that create opportunity for its customers.
In Memoriam
Mike Dodge

Kristie, Mike & Debbie Dodge
Since 1893 when A. Johnson Dodge founded The Dodge Company, our goal has been to help embalmers and funeral directors do the best work they are capable of doing. We have done that by providing embalming training in the field – first with traveling instructors and now through sales representatives who are licensed embalmers, a technical help line, the Dodge Magazine, and technical seminars.
We are constantly working to develop new chemicals, new instruments, new embalming machines, and most recently, more and more formaldehyde-free products. As funeral service and related fields have evolved, Dodge has added many new dimensions to what we offer – from urns to aftercare products to memorial portraits to web site design and much more.
Please take a tour of our Web site and see for yourself all that we have to offer.

Our Founder, A. Johnson Dodge

Keith Dodge